Thank You!

All of us in The Life Aquaponic team would like to say a huge thank you to everybody who donated, shared, read, or even just listened and nodded their head when we were talking about our Nepal project.

Thanks to you we were able to meet our goal on Kickstarter and will be able to bring sustainable food and education to a beautiful community in the remote Surkhet region of Nepal. We couldn’t be more excited.

We apologise for not being able to post more updates but we have been so busy organising this project and traveling around that we just have not been able to. Now that we’re more settled we’ll be blogging, posting pictures, and updating social media as often as we can so that you can follow our journey from start to finish.

For those of you who donated to the Kickstarter we will be contacting you sometime around December, when we will be starting to prepare and deliver the amazing rewards we promised. For those of you that have expressed concerns about your named fish, yes they will be eaten (or sold). But that’s a good thing. That’s why we’re here.

So thank you again and keep your eyes peeled. We can’t promise daily updates but that is certainly what we are aiming for.

